salam and Hola!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahaha!Jemput masuk ...korang sangat dialu-alukan.....dekat sini korang boleh tau arrrr macm mana aku merepek benda merepek and cerita pasl all this stuff yang berlaku sampai arrr sekang...jangan segan2x....hahahha!!!


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

boys and girls in exam hall

Six Things Boys N Girls Do In Exam Hall

Quite Interesting

Six things boys do in exam hall:

1. Counting No of Girls..

2. Sighting the Lady Superviser..

3. Counting How Many Windows & Doors..

4. Seeing the brand name of the pen..

5. Feelings for wasting yesterday's night by not studying..

6. Think to study well atleast for next exam.

Six things girls do in exam hall:
(even they know or don't know)

1. Write

2. Write

3. Write

4. Write

5. Write

6. Write

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