salam and Hola!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahaha!Jemput masuk ...korang sangat dialu-alukan.....dekat sini korang boleh tau arrrr macm mana aku merepek benda merepek and cerita pasl all this stuff yang berlaku sampai arrr sekang...jangan segan2x....hahahha!!!


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

first time BI

well basically nie adalah nukilan salah seorg kawan aku...dia mengisahkan tentang anak perempuan kot...nak translate dalam BM tapi takut lain pulak korg baca jer arrr....kalau tak paham boleh tanya dengan korg punya English teacher..hihi....

My little girl,
I can't fight your battles for you...
If I did, I'd weaken your hands,
I can only make you stronger by being your anchor,
I can teach you to fight... to be the warrior your grandmother was in her own way,
As the hands and the legs walking your path is yours... not mine...
I will only be watching you from the path I walk and guide you when you need me

My little girl,
I pray that you can protect yourself...
from the dangers of this cruel world...
I can give you the knowledge you need to know about your Lord,
as how my mother gave me...I will teach you what is trust and why you must never break it,
especially if it's a trust from our Lord,
I would teach you to love your Lord as I teach you to love me

My little girl,
when I shed tears for you,
know that you touched my heart,
but beware of whether you touched it,
with your hand or a broken glass,
for I fear too that your Lord would condemn you for bleeding my heart

My little girl,
How can I ever watch someone wronging you?
Despite my teaching of you to be strong,
I would only save you in some situtions,
perhaps only in the battles where things get out of your hand,
and then protect you until you stand back on your feet,
as how I protect you while you were still a part of me

My litle girl,
when I am no longer around,
spare a prayer for me after each time you bow down to your Lord,
I'd hear your voice from where I lay,
and still pray for you whilst in fear for my own sins
for the greatest love after the love of our Lord,
is my love for you

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